Thursday, June 4, 2009

Don’t you guys harass people with your religion?

We’re not supposed to. But we’re human, and sometimes (especially with youthful enthusiasm) we push too hard. We teach love, not pushiness, and we teach boldness, but not rudeness. The line between the two is crossed on occasion.

Of course, more often we’re unfairly accused of crossing the lines. Some people are sensitive to any invitation or contact, and take it as harassment. Some people confuse us with other groups that really are pushy.

You can and should expect respectful dialog from representatives of our church. We want to bless your life, not stress it.

The invitation to preach the Gospel came from the Savior himself, and is plainly printed in the New Testament. That other churches take the less controversial approach and choose not to evangelize is, in my view, at odds with the key doctrines of Christianity. So yes, I’m going to tell you about my religion. If you’re not interested, just say so and I won’t be hurt (much) and we will still be friends.